Parin Shah wrote:

ohh, I thought I was taking care of it. I mean, code frees the memory
when no longer needed except during the shutdown of server. anyway I
will go through the code again to check that. Also feel free to point
out the code which is causing memory leak problem.

I'll look through it as well.  Big thing I noticed was in regards to curl.

for every call to curl_easy_init() you need a call to curl_easy_cleanup()

Also, you must call curl_slist_free_all() to free the list

If you want to use libcurl, you may want to use a reslist of curl handles. curl can do all the keepalive stuff and you would avoid the overhead of constantly creating deleting curls. Just call curl_easy_reset before giving it back to reslist.

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

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