On Nov 11, 2005, at 12:33 PM, Brian Akins wrote:

in 2.1.9 ap_get_server_port uses the following:

 port = r->parsed_uri.port_str ? r->parsed_uri.port :
r->connection->local_addr->port ? r->connection- >local_addr->port :
               r->server->port ? r->server->port :

in 2.0.55 it uses:

 port = r->parsed_uri.port_str ? r->parsed_uri.port :
               r->server->port ? r->server->port :

This just bit me bad! I was used to being able to declare things like:

What bit you is probably the change in default value for UseCanonicalName? Used to be On by default, now it's Off. Try flicking that switch.

ServerName www.domain.com:80

and having redirects (mod_dir, etc) to pick up on this via ap_construct_url

What, if any, is the work around for 2.1.9? I really don't want to use "UseCanonicalName On"

Did you force it to 'Off' in 2.0? If you have it 'Off', you believe what the client sends you, or what you explicitly stashed in the server record by specifying it in the ServerName directive. In the newer server, we added the actual port the request came in on, which should match the information in the server_rec...

In the other case, UseCanonicalName On which was default in the 2.0 branch, we look first in the server_rec and then in the connection. You could possibly make a case for having the search order in the top of the if clause match the one in the bottom. This against trunk:

--- server/core.c       (revision 332799)
+++ server/core.c       (working copy)
@@ -960,8 +960,8 @@
* any are supplied (otherwise it will use the canonical name).
         port = r->parsed_uri.port_str ? r->parsed_uri.port :
+               r->server->port ? r->server->port :
r->connection->local_addr->port ? r->connection- >local_addr->port :
-               r->server->port ? r->server->port :
     else { /* d->use_canonical_name == USE_CANONICAL_NAME_ON */

That would probably better align with the principle of least astonishment.


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