Paul A Houle wrote:
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

If the user must rewrite their content handlers to pay attention to thread jumps, and must use some sort of yeild beyond apr_socket_poll/select(), then
I'd agree it becomes 3.0.

I wouldn't worry about protocol/mpm authors, who are a breed to ourselves
and should be able to handle any bump. It's the joe who put together a nifty auth or content module who has to jump through hoops to learn the new API who
will suffer if we don't yell out **3.0**!!!

The prefork model has contributed to the reality and perception of Apache as a reliable product. Threading is great for a system that's built like a swiss watch, but a disaster for the tangle of scripts (or tangle of objects) that most web sites run.

I suppose it bears spelling out every couple months, but nobody is suggesting
that httpd will abandon the prefork MPM.  Run it, or threaded, or event/async.
If the author of your favorite mod_foo hasn't ensured it can actually handle
async thread context jumps, then run threaded (or prefork if they haven't really
ported it to 2.0 by now.)  That's great - the point to the MPM design is to let
us plug in a variety of technologies based on kernel architectures, hardware
and so forth.

I find it amusing that after all the hoopla over Hyperthreading and other
flavors of parallelism, Intel looks to drop us all into dual cpu boxes by
the end of '07.  More efficient parallelism can't be avoided if httpd is going
to remain relevant.


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