Brian Akins wrote:
Sander Striker wrote:

Ok, let me tell you why I want it.  I want to implement a directive
called CacheErrorServeStale, which, when it hits the CACHE_SAVE filter
say with a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, and has a cache->stale_handle,
continues as if it would have received a 304 Not Modified.

That's one use of the request_status hook in mod_proxy. If mod_cache registered a handler for it, it could handle all instances where the proxy fails.

No, mod_cache doesn't have to know what the origin is.  It can be
anything from a custom handler, a cgi, etc.  This list happens to
include mod_proxy, but I don't think we need to handle mod_proxy
any differently.

Rudigers suggestion of pushing an error bucket down the filter
stack seems the best solution, which I'm working on implementing.


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