Plüm wrote:
> I think the SSL problem is caused by throwing away the conn_rec
> entry for the backend and create a new one for each request.
> That does not sound right, but I admit that keeping it must be
> carefully examinated due to several possible issues. Two
> that I can see immeditately are:
> 1. memory pools
> 2. filters
> For me that puts the question on the table if using "fake" request_rec
> and conn_rec structures for the backend connections is really a good
> idea. This "misuse" already leads to problems in other areas.
> But reworking this will take much time and work and is only mid to
> long term. Might be easier if we have a http / https client library
> as part of httpd or apr-util.

Something like this maybe:

It started out to become apr-serf, made a jump to the short-lived
Commons, and ended up at  There is a current effort
by Justin Erenkrantz to get Serf completed, or at least complete
enough to complete ra_serf, a Subversion remote access library.
I expect that with a couple of months the churn is gone, and its
API stable enough to use here in HTTP Server land.


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