Anton Golubev wrote:

It's the same, but I don't agree it is Virtual Host specific, as you

This configuration (almost taken from documentation) also crashes the

ServerRoot /usr/local/apache

Listen 80

User nobody
Group nobody

DocumentRoot /home/ivc2/public_html

DBDriver mysql
DBDParams "dbname=Users user=auther passreplace=xxxxxx"
DBDMin 1
DBDKeep 2
DBDMax 10
DBDExptime 60

<Directory /home/ivc2/public_html>

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName 'ADMIN ZONE'
    AuthBasicProvider dbd
    AuthDBDUserPWQuery "select PASS from Users where LOGIN= %s"
    require valid-user


  Yes, it seems to be caused by the <Directory> ... specifically,
authn_dbd_prepare(), which is called to handle the AuthDBDUserPWQuery
directive, calls ap_dbd_prepare() and passes cmd->server as the
server_rec *s argument.  Then ap_dbd_prepare() does:

   ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &dbd_module);

and that returns NULL.  I quickly also tried running:

   ap_get_module_config(cmd->server->module_config, &authn_dbd_module);

inside authn_dbd_prepare(), and it too returns NULL.  And yet I feel
sure I'm seeing things that do effectively the same thing in other
directive handlers, like cmd_rewritelog() for mod_rewrite:

   ap_get_module_config(cmd->server->module_config, &rewrite_module);

Maybe something about that's being RSRC_CONF vs. ACCESS_CONF for
mod_authn_dbd?  I can't grok it tonight; maybe I'll catch some
time over the weekend.


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