Graham Leggett wrote:
> On Fri, October 27, 2006 6:25 pm, Niklas Edmundsson wrote:
>> I would have been most happy if this had been fixed ages ago so I
>> hadn't been forced to spend lots and lots of hours kludging stuff
>> togehter. At least, my kludges seem to have sparked some development
>> in this area, so they have served some purpose other than enabling a
>> non-profit computer club building a FTP/HTTP server that actually
>> works.
> When Brian Atkins stood up at Apachecon and presented a talk pretty much
> summarised as "we don't use Apache's cache because it sucked, and here's
> why", that was a wake up call to realise that the disk cache in its
> current form sucks.
> We have significant contributions from two people - Davi Arnaut and Niklas
> Edmundsson, and I've been integrating the issues fixed by both these
> contributions into a coherent workable whole, so that the effort spent by
> these people isn't wasted. Both of their efforts have focused on different
> aspects of the cache, making this workable. Some parts are not RFC
> compliant, other parts are not implemented elegantly enough, but these are
> details that need to be raised, addressed and fixed, not used as a feeble
> excuse to abandon the effort and return to some cache code that nobody
> wants to use.

I particularly don't care if my patches are not used if a better
solution cames up. It takes time for ideas to "maturate".

> I see lots of comments on the code, but the comments are summarised as
> "the cache is fine as it is". It isn't. If it was fine, key users of
> network caching wouldn't be standing up saying they're using something
> else.

No one said that, but we must think before acting.

Davi Arnaut

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