At 01:41 PM 10/27/2006, Davi Arnaut wrote:
Niklas Edmundsson wrote:
> And when you have a file backend, you want to hit your disk cache and > not the backend when delivering data to a client. People might think > that this doesn't matter, but for large files, especially larger than > RAM in your machine, you usually go disk-bound without much help from
> the OS disk cache.

But that's a corner case. There is no reason in doing this for small
files (common case). For example, in a enterprise grade server memory is
cheap and permanent storage is slow and expensive.

So why would this server be using mod_disk_cache in that case? Shouldn't this server be using mod_mem_cache? Selecting mod_disk_cache over mod_mem_cache means it's better to serve the cache from disk rather than from memory. If serving from the disk on the original request is too slow, then wouldn't serving from the disk on the subsequent requests be too slow as well?

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