Brian has expressed interest in brining mod_wombat to the ASF.

Is there interest in this PMC to bring it in under us?

The overview of mod_wombat:

mod_wombat ( ) was
written primarily by Brian McCallister with random bits of help from
Garrett Rooney and myself.  It integrates the Lua scripting language
into an Apache module.

In the simplest form, you could call it just a 'mod_lua' that happens to
be 100 times better than the existing 1.3 only mod_lua.  However, it has
started down the path of more 'deep' integration, beyond just a handler.

The README contains more info, and a simple handler example of what it
can do today:

I am personally interested in it because I believe it could be one of
the paths taken for an httpd 3.0 in which Lua was embedded, replacing
the config system and other large areas of C code.



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