On Nov 20, 2006, at 9:28 AM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

Regardless of any plans people have to use this stuff in the core, it
seems like the reason that mod_perl and mod_python either are separate
TLPs or are pushing to be one is because their communities don't
really overlap with that of core httpd.  In this case, other than
Brian the majority of people who are interested in working on this
stuff are httpd committers, and are intending on doing design
work/discussions on httpd lists, so IMO there's no reason to jump to
the "there won't be any overlap and thus the community will
essentially be separate and thus call for its own TLP" conclusion at
this time.

For what it's worth, I can easily see wombat going either way -- whichever path is selected will become a self fulfilling prophecy. The proposal on the table is to set it up as part of the httpd project, and most of the other folks who have contributed (Paul and Garrett) would like to do it here. Martin, the fourth contributor, isn't an ASF committer, and I don't think feels strongly about how it eventually goes.

Mostly, I just want a "correct mailing list" right now so that discussions on private email, IRC, and IM can move there :-) I think the ASF is the right place to do this, and Paul and Garrett have convinced me that a subproject of httpd is the right path based on other folks' goals (which I am happy to support, but aren't my personal itch).


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