Protocol issues really should be brought up on the dev list, with an
appropriate subject, and not left in bugzilla.

Entities gzip:ed by mod_deflate still carries the same ETag as the plain entiy,
causing inconsistency in ETag aware proxy caches.

I'll have a look later and see if I can fix it, but let me know if there
is already a patch in the works (that doesn't rely on mod_filter).


On Dec 6, 2006, at 1:31 PM, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

ons 2006-12-06 klockan 09:38 -0500 skrev Jeff Trawick:

Why other than ego do we want to make it hard to disable this output?

Technical reason:

Not advertising the brand and version makes it very hard for clients
(user-agents and proxies) to apply workarounds when needed.

As an example Squid currently has a workaround for how Apache handles
ETag in responses which has been modified by mod_deflate. In future we
hope to be able to disable that for versions known to be fixed.

Not sending the sever name and version will make this harder.


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