On 12/11/06, Fenlason, Josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I swear that's the behavior I was seeing, but I must have had something
messed up.  I just tested to verify my complaint and it appears to be
working the way I said I wanted it to.  Not sure what I messed up, but I
must have gotten confused when I was testing.  Sorry for bringing up an
issue that isn't an issue.  I'll go hide in embarrassment.  :)  Thanks
for the help.

Okay.  And your thought points out that my whole rant was probably
misplaced.  It is true that IE7 is going backwards in
spec-conformance, but it will only be a problem if people mix language
tags with and without locale.  In the case where the browser uses only
tags with-locale, and the server uses either all tags with-locale or
all tags without-locale, things should work right based on our
previously-included work-arounds.  So although IE7 will brake a bunch
of reasonable configs, it probably isn't serious enough to warrant
changing anything in apache.


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