On Jan 11, 2007, at 1:40 PM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

A week sounds good to me. I guess some of them are my fault as I only set them to resolved fixed and never visited them again as I thought that they reached their final state. Now I found out that you only have the option to close it once it has moved to a 'resolved' state and 'closed' should be the final state.
I will take better care of this in the future.

Is there any chance to close all the ones in resolved state that have not been
touched for a week in one blow?

Absolutely. You can operate on the entire contents of a query result... which gets the job done and will send lots of e-mail.

Yes, Closed should be the final resting place for bug reports, for good or for bad.

Any interest in trying to codify the life cycle of PRs in Bugzilla and their dance around releases? I can see if I have time to throw something in svn but then I'd want to hear from the folks who actually spend a lot of time in the system.


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