On Wed, January 24, 2007 2:15 pm, Niklas Edmundsson wrote:

> In mod_cache, recall_body() is called in the cache_save_filter() when
> revalidating an entity.
> However, if I have understood things correctly the brigade is already
> populated when the save filter is called, so calling recall_body() in
> this case would place additional stuff in the bucket brigade.
> Wouldn't it be more correct to empty the brigade before calling
> recall_body()? Or am I missing something?

I think the theory is that recall_body() should only be called on a 304
not modified (with no body), so in theory there is no existing body
present, so no need to clear the brigade.

Of course practically you don't want to make assumptions about the
emptiness of the existing brigade, so clearing the brigade as a first step
makes definite sense.


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