On ons, 2007-10-03 at 12:10 -0700, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

> > Two resource variants with different content-encoding is not
> > semantically equivalent as the recipient may not be able to understand
> > an variant sent with an incompatible encoding.
> That is not true.  The weak etag is for content that has changed but
> is just as good a response content as would have been received.
> In other words, protocol equivalence is irrelevant.

By protocol semantic equivalence I mean responses being acceptable to

Example: Two negotiated responses with different Content-Encoding is not
semantically equivalent at the HTTP level as their negotiation
properties is different, and one can not substitute one for the other
and expect that HTTP works.

But two compressed response entities with different compression level
depending on the CPU load is.

Note: Ignoring transfer-encoding here as it's transport and pretty much
irrelevant to the operations of the protocol other than wire message

> > a) HTTP must be able to tell if an already cached variant is valid  
> > for a
> > new request by using If-None-Match. This means that each negotiated
> > entity needs to use a different ETag value. Accept-Encoding is no
> > different in this any of the other inputs to content negotiation.
> That is not HTTP.  Don't confuse the needs of caching with the needs
> of range requests -- only range requests need strong etags.

I am not. I am talking about If-None-Match, not If-Range. And
specifically the use of If-None-Match in 13.6 Caching Negotiated

It's a very simple and effective mechanism, but requires servers to
properly assign ETags to each (semantically in case of weak) unique
entity of a resource (not the resource as such).

Content-Encoding is no different in this than any of the other
negotiated properties (Content-Type, Content-Language, whatever).


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