Hi --

  I'm delighted to see that others have stepped in to keep this
thread going; thank you!  Work commitments have kept me from having
the appropriate time to devote to it.  It looks like Nick Kew and
Ruediger Pluem have committed some of the patches discussed in the
thread and the bug reports; again, thanks to all involved.  It would
be great if the problems addressed in #38034 and #16593 could be
handled properly (at least with respect to mod_dav).

Roy T. Fielding wrote:

If you want a better meets_conditions in general, then write a new
one with a new interface that can pass in the metadata for the
chosen representation (if any) and does not stink of stupid DAVisms
(like "resource exists" where it should say "representation exists").
Do not make patches to the old interface because those won't be
distributed until Apache 3.x.

  It looks like the patch Nick committed for mod_dav essentially
wraps ap_meets_conditions() and deals with the additional
If-Match/If-None-Match tests outside of that function.  That should
suffice to handle all the DAV issues from #38034 and that may be
entirely sufficient until 3.x.

  With an eye on handling those additional If-Match/If-None-Match
tests for all users, not just mod_dav, I'd hoped to allow callers
to pass the necessary extra info to ap_meets_conditions() in r->notes.
The function would remain entirely backwards-compatible for existing
users, of course.  I think Paul Querna suggested creating a
parallel ap_meets_conditions2(), as reported by Paritosh Shah, and that
may be less crufty than my notion.  I just wish I had an idea for more
meaningful name for such a replacement function.

If the weak etags are not being matched to the string etags on
GET, then that is another bug that must be fixed.  It is not an
excuse to ignore the HTTP design.

  This, if I understand correctly, is the subject of #42987.  My
own best effort at understanding the issue, from my original post,
is below -- if you can weigh in with any clarifications or corrections,
that would be very helpful (to me, at least!)

Chris Darroch wrote:

   The RFC says that a file's mtime "could" be a weak validator, because
the file might change more than once in a second.  But I think the
subtly important issue here is that word "could".  If I understand it
correctly, the implication is that one has [a] resource for which one wants
to generate weak ETags only, because one knows the semantic meaning isn't
changing although the content may be.  In this particular case, the
modification time *might* be appropriate to use as a weak validator
(although that seems somewhat unlikely, because non-semantic changes
that occurred seconds apart would still cause different weak ETags to be
generated, which probably isn't what you'd want in this circumstance).

   But, in the cases handled by ap_make_etag(), the content and/or the
semantic meaning of a resource could always be changing, so weak ETags
would seem to be, as the PR says, simply never appropriate.

  Reading that over, it still makes some sense to me.  Apache httpd is
never in the situation implied by the RFC's example, where one wants to
generate a weak ETag because one has knowledge that the file's semantic
meaning hasn't changed, and therefore one can use the file's mtime to
generate the weak ETag.

  Since httpd is never in that situation, the RFC's example essentially
doesn't apply to the problem httpd faces when a file's modification
time is the current time (to the second).  Put another way, modification
times are not appropriate as weak ETag sources when one doesn't know,
somehow, that a file's semantic meaning hasn't changed.  I think!  :-/

  Currently, when httpd notices that a file's mtime and the current
time are the same, ap_make_etag() just creates its usual ETag but
then marks it as weak.  This has the advantage of being fast, since,
as you point out, high performance is critical.  If I understand
the issues at hand correctly, though, to resolve #42987 we should
really just not generate any ETag at all in this case.

  I'd proposed putting this into the hands of the administrator
via a configuration directive:

- add a nomtime=none|weak|ignore option to FileETag (in the manner
  of ProxyPass) which specifies what to do when the MTime option is
  configured but the file's mtime is the same as r->request_time;
  the default value is "weak" to retain backward compatibility

  So, the out-of-box default would be the current functionality.
One could tune it to not generate any ETag in this particular situation
(where mtime is used a part of the strong ETags, and the mtime and
current time match), or to ignore this situation and just always
send out a strong ETag.

  Does that seem out to lunch?  Certainly the intention is not
to run counter to the RFC, but rather to do the best job of
conforming to it while providing high performance, and being backwards-
compatible with existing behaviour where that's appropriate.


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