* Akins, Brian wrote:

> I started to play with xsendfile more.  I noticed the mod_xsendfile
> floating around tried to basically replace what the default handler does
> very well.
> Basically, my version does a subrequest for the file.  This allows things
> like "Deny from all", etc, to work.  This should be more secure, ie, if
> you set your deny's correctly, you can't "X-Sendfile: /etc/passwd".  All
> in all, it seems more "httpd"-like, to me.
> It is very rough.  I do not understand brigades enough to know why it is
> chunking every reply in my tests.  I have tested with just a normal cgi
> setting the header.
> Not well tested.  I'd like to see us work toward getting X-sendfile into
> the normal httpd distribution (along with mod_fcgid...)

Interesting. I wrote something similar a time ago for mod_proxy_scgi, also 
aimed to be extracted into the core. And hey, it's nearly the same stuff 
we're doing there, so it can't be that wrong :-)
So +1 to have something in the core.


The chunked problem is present there, too, but I solved it by ignoring it 
(you might search for  Content-Length for more comments). If it should not 
be chunked, the backend simply has to provide a content-length along with 
the x-sendfile header.

I'm split:
I'm not sure if a filter is semantically the right place. IMHO that smells a 
bit problematic. It might be better to I'd rather hack that into a function 
similar to ap_internal_redirect and let it call explicitly. That way you'd 
need to hack a recognition per backend (but the code is mostly there 
anyway), on the other hand you could enable and disable it per backend.

I like the idea of having its own module.

Opinions highly welcome.

> [...] weiß jemand zufällig, was der Tag DIV ausgeschrieben bedeutet?
DIVerses. Benannt nach all dem unstrukturierten Zeug, was die Leute da
so reinpacken und dann absolut positionieren ...
                           -- Florian Hartig und Lars Kasper in dciwam

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