Graham Leggett wrote:

Is that prior to or up to? If it's up to, it would help me a lot...

  So long as you ensure you run before mod_dbd's hook in the post_config
phase, you should be able to register statements to be prepared (I think).
Once mod_dbd's post_config hook runs, it has an internal set of hashes
that describe the query label-to-SQL mappings.  So if you put mod_dbd
in aszSucc when registering your post_config hook, I would think that
should work.

  Then, whenever a DB connection is opened (some will be opened
at child_init time, if DBDMin > 0, and others later as demand dictates)
these SQL statements will be prepared against the DB connection.
It's worth noting that they're not prepared during the config phases,
since no DB connections yet exist; connections are only made from within
child processes.


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