Ruediger Pluem wrote:

The implementation of the function. IMHO it must be the same in all
modules. Otherwise it depends on the module load order what gets
called and done.

  True -- an alternative might be to do the following:

- #define AUTHN/Z_PROVIDER_VERSION "0" in mod_auth.h
- change all the authn/z modules to use #defines in place of hard-coded
 "0" provider versions (maybe not a bad thing to do anyway)
- #include mod_auth.h in request.c (mostly involves lots of fiddling
 with config.m4 files and the like, for each platform)
- eliminate the optional function call entirely

  I worked on this approach but concluded people might not appreciate
all the changes to the config files and so forth, although the actual
code per se is a little simpler and cleaner.  If this is preferred by
a majority, though, I'm happy to implement it this way instead.  Thoughts?


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