Ian Ward Comfort wrote:
On 2 Sep 2008, at 9:34 PM, Mladen Turk wrote:
Anyhow I agree with Nick that using existing directives from mod_rewrite or mod_headers would be much nicer solution, so I'm not in favor of adding new directives.

Do you like the idea of proxying the entire subprocess_env table, or have another suggestion? Personally, I'd like to avoid loading mod_rewrite in my environment, and a long list of these is neither efficient nor pleasant to maintain:

    RewriteRule ^ - [C,E=AJP_REMOTE_USER:%{ENV:REMOTE_USER}]

I think, that forwarding the full subprocess_env table is to much and usually not what is needed. If you really have use cases, where there are lots of env vars you want to forward, you could think about allowing patterns on the variable names. That would make administration less tedious but of course sacrifice performance a bit.



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