I have essentially finished mod_remoteip at this point and am looking
to find out the interest level of adopting this as a core module into
trunk (modules/metadata/ appears to be the most appropriate target)?

mod_remoteip can deal with 2 situations effortlessly, one is the
absolute initialization of an X-IP style header by the load balancer,
where the load balancer is ignored as the remote host.  The second is
using X-Forwarded-For headers to process the client of the recognized
proxies as the actual remote host.  Currently there is no way to use
two different headers, although that might change in the future if there
was sufficient interest.

See http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/sandbox/mod_remoteip/README
which needs to be translated into documentation, and of course the source;


If I get enough +1's this week I'll move the module and whip up some docs,
but in the meantime, here's the experimental config I was working with;

RemoteIpHeader X-IP
RemoteIpProxiesHeader X-Via-IP

RemoteIPTrustedProxy 192.168.0. localhost/8
RemoteIPInternalProxy 192.168.1

RemoteIPInternalProxyList conf/internal.lst
RemoteIPTrustedProxyList conf/trusted-xff.lst

Header echo X-Via-IP
Header echo X-IP

(the trusted-xff.lst is from the wikimedia XFF project).

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