On 6/3/2010 4:49 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
> Indentation in modules/proxy/mod_proxy.h whenever ap_log_error is
> replaced by ap_log_rerror (argument indentation)

Can we start pre-committing some of these pieces which are simply bug fixes,
e.g. correcting the loglevel scope?

It will save on review of the 'big picture' patch to get the small stuff
out of the way, and into svn.

> Later possible improvement: should we add the module_name to the log
> line? Since you already know the index, associating the name would be
> easy. The question is, whether the info is important enough to add to
> the log line.

The construct "mod_foo: The foo module broke" is just sooo common it would
seem like a waste not to take advantage of the newfound intellegence in the
error log, and reduce all this verbosity in the source code.

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