Hi Stefan,

thanks for applying.

On Saturday, 30 July 2011 17:41:39 Torsten Förtsch wrote:
> The last "if" statement should read as follows to avoid the loop:
>             if (APR_BUCKET_IS_METADATA(e)) {
>                 e = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(e);
>                 continue;
>             }

I don't know how common this situation is. It came up in the modperl test 
suite (t/filter/both_str_req_mix.t). This test contructs a filter chain 

  modperl filter
  another modperl filter

The INCLUDES filter was passed a brigade containing a data bucket with 
single SSI command like "<!--#include virtual=... -->" and a flush 
bucket. mod_include then tries to find the "<!--#" sequence and splits 
the bucket before this string. Thus, it gets a bucket with an empty 
string. I am not sure if this bucket was delivered in a separate brigade
to the DEFLATE filter and the flush bucket in the next one or if it was 
accompanied by the flush bucket.

Although I can think of usage cases where it is common to send a flush 
bucket in the first place just to get the headers out I can't think of a 
way to make this happen with core httpd modules.

So, I don't know if it qualifies for a showstopper for 2.3.14 beta.

BTW, I filed another simple bug 
https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=51592 which was also 
triggered by the modperl test suite. What are the chances for it to get 

The rest of the failures of the modperl test suite are then bound to API 
changes in logging and aaa. I hope not to find any more core bugs there.

Torsten Förtsch

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