On Fri, 28 Oct 2011, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
I think 2.4.0 GA at AC is destined to be a "dot zero" release (most
emphasis on the zero, as in null).  Not suggesting we don't do it,
simply that nobody, including yourself, will be at liberty to change
scoreboard datum, api interfaces, etc.

Are we anywhere near that level of commitment to trunk?  It would be
rather sad if 2.4.0 was ditched for 2.6.0.  Just look to the recent
perl releases for examples of such instability.

What are opinions about adding some fields to structs for extensions that seem like a good idea but have not been written yet. This would then allow to add them during the lifetime of 2.4.x with only a minor MMN bump.

I could imagine:

- add some fields to the global scoreboard, for benefit of mod_status:
  * timestamp of last time max worker number was reached
  * timestamp of last time all workers were busy
  * timestamp of last time a child crashed
  * number of child crashes since start

- add a void or apr_array_header_t pointer to ap_logconf, so that we may add filtering of error log messages (there was some interest for this in a recent thread on -dev).

I don't think any of these features should delay 2.4.0, but I think it would be nice to have them before 2.6/3.0.

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