On December 8, 2011 1:48 , Rui Hu <tchrb...@gmail.com> wrote:
2011/12/8 Rui Hu <tchrb...@gmail.com <mailto:tchrb...@gmail.com>>

    Is $DOCUMENT_ROOT in php-cgi determined by ap_add_common_vars() in
    Apache? It seems not to me. I commented the line 237 assigning
    DOCUMENT_ROOT and re-compiled apache. php-cgi still works fine. It
    seems that $DUCUMENT_ROOT in php-cgi is not determined by this

What you say is correct. This is an Apache HTTP Server mailing list. You said, "in apache, I cannot find any code which assign this var." and I showed you where in Apache HTTP Server the DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable is set when running CGIs.

What you are now asking should be sent to the PHP users mailing list, since it is a question about PHP. But, see the function init_request_info() in the PHP source code, in the file sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c (lines 1123-1137)


How PHP determines the value of $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT] depends on all of the following:

- The value for the PHP directive cgi.fix_pathinfo
- The value for the PHP directive doc_root
- The value of the environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT (set by Apache HTTP Server)

  Mark Montague

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