On 1/18/2012 6:22 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2012, at 3:42 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:
>> On 17 Jan 2012, at 10:32 PM, Gregg L. Smith wrote:
>>> Why not just do it how it has always been done, that is to include the 
>>> latest release of APR/APU(/APR-I on Win) for the httpd release? It seems to 
>>> me if I recall this correctly, that the reason there was a separate -deps 
>>> package was because APR 1.4 was not released, therefore could not be 
>>> bundled yet was required for 2.3.x at the time of release.
>>> I know PCRE was axed and the reason is sound. APR however, is part of ASF 
>>> and maintained by most of you anyway.
>>> The preferred needed APR & APU are all in a released state, what's the 
>>> problem bundling again?
>> Both APR and APR-Util are standalone packages, and are deployed in their own 
>> right on systems, just like other dependencies like OpenSSL or db4, and this 
>> has been so for many years.
>> Bundling them causes confusion and clashes with these system installed 
>> packages. Those that need included APR/APR-Util should be the exception, not 
>> the rule.
> For the beta, it was deemed Good to bundle the required versions of
> apr/apu; for the GAs, not so much.
> I'm +1 for not bundling them.

Was this thread abandoned?

I'm also +1 for not bundling them.

But with -deps, or without, are the docs@ up to date with respect to 2.4's
prerequisites on unix?  I know the Windows docs to be out of date and will
edit those build docs by the end of the week.

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