----- Chris Darroch <chr...@pearsoncmg.com> wrote:
> Hi --
> It's been a remarkably long time since I had anything useful
> to commit, and I'm pretty rusty, so I thought I'd throw this out for
> discussion as a RTC despite the CTR rules on trunk. I promise I won't
> be offended if anyone says it's a stupid hack and should never be
> committed, because, well, it is arguably a very stupid hack.
> I've been fighting a context where I have a new server behind
> an ancient internal proxy for some transitional period of time until
> we can replace the proxy too. The proxy won't send Host headers (in
> httpd terms, no equivalent to ProxyPreserveHost On functionality), but
> it does put the originally requested Host header into X-Forwarded-Host.
> On the backend, try as I might, I could not find a way to map
> the X-Forwarded-Host header on top of the Host one prior to the point
> where the appropriate <VirtualHost> is determined. I hoped for
> some combo of mod_headers in "early" mode + mod_setenvif, but they
> run in post_read_request in the opposite order from what I needed.
> Hence this patch, which adds a UseCanonicalName XHost option in
> which X-Forwarded-Host is checked first, and if non-blank, is used
> in place of Host to determine the server name. (The Host header is
> left as-is, though.)
> http://people.apache.org/~chrisd/patches/use_canonical_name_xhost/use_canonical_name_xhost-trunk.patch
> Even if there's a resounding chorus of "boos", perhaps posting it
> here will help others facing the same problem in the future find a bit
> of a workaround if they're stuck in the same situation.
> Let the torches and firebrands be set alight! Cheers,

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to hack up^W^Wexpand mod_remoteip?

> Chris.
> -- 
> GPG Key ID: 088335A9
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