Tally ho!  We have a winnah in the +1's:

+1: pctony, rbowen, joes, igalic, rpluem, minfrin, humbedooh.

 0: jimjag, trawick


As such the vote passes and I'll do the deed
sometime later today.  The trunk/README has already
been updated Graham, now time to remove all that
java fun.

> From: Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com>
>To: "dev@httpd.apache.org" <dev@httpd.apache.org> 
>Cc: "d...@httpd.apache.org" <d...@httpd.apache.org> 
>Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 3:14 PM
>Subject: [VOTE] CMS site migration
>Please cast your vote accordingly:
>[ ] : +1 to migrate httpd-site to the CMS
>[ ] :  0 don't care one way or the other
>[ ] : -1 leave httpd-site as-is, because...
>Note: this vote is only for httpd-site, not
>any of the externals (eg the docs trees) that are pulled in.
>T-72 hours before the results are tallied.
>Voting rules are majority-consensus, same
>as for releases.

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