On 20/06/2012 14:19, Thomas Busch wrote:
> On 20/06/2012 13:35, Thomas Busch wrote:
>> The reason I'm asking is that the following bug
>>> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=69866
>>> hasn't been solved and is still causing Internal Server Error's on
>>> a lot of mod_perl installation.
>> I see you've got a suggested patch there, so there's a good chance that
>> someone will pick that up - if noone does it by the weekend, I'll try to
>> pick it up myself.

Joe, you seemingly addressed this in r748782 and then intentionally put
it back in r748790 - you touched the exact test case which would deal
with the a cookie that looked like "Cookie: foo=bar;foo2=test;blabla". 
Any recollections of why you put it back?


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