If no one objects, I'll start moving in some functions to the mod_lua
core, starting with the ones that pertain to obtaining a "static" value
from the request/server, as well as the flush and sendfile function, and
making them part of the request_rec package. This includes the following
(as they will appear when imported):

r:flush() -             Flushes the output buffer
r:sendfile(filename) -  Sends a file using sendfile if available
r.port -                the port in use by the request
r.banner -              the server banner
r.options -             the Options directive for the request
r.allowoverrides -      the AllowOverride directive for the request
r.started -             the time the server was (re)started
r.basic_auth_pw -       the basic auth password, if any was sent
r.limit_req_body -      The current request body limit (or 0 for none)
r.server_built -        The time the server was built
r.is_initial_req -      Whether this is the initial request or a subreq
r.remaining -           The remaining bytes in the request body
r.some_auth_required -  Whether some authorization is/was required
r.server_name -         The server name for the request
r.auth_name -           The realm used (if any) for authorization

This leaves the following functions still in the apache2 package -
If you'd rather see any of them moved to the request_rec package, do say
so - :

apache2.base64_encode -         Encode a string in base64
apache2.base64_decode -         Decode a base64 string
apache2.md5 -                   Generate an MD5 hash
apache2.sha1 -                  Generate a SHA-1 hash
apache2.escape -                URL-escape a string
apache2.unescape -              unescape an URL-encoded string
apache2.mpm_query -             Query the MPM for information
apache2.expr -                  Evaluate an ap_expr string
apache2.scoreboard_process -    Query the process scoreboard
apache2.scoreboard_worker -     Query a worker scoreboard
apache2.clock -                 Returns the current time in microseconds
apache2.requestbody -           Fetches (or saves) the request body
apache2.dbopen -                Opens up a database connection
                                (supports both apr_dbd and mod_dbd)
apache2.add_input_filter -      Adds an input filter to the request
apache2.module_info -           Queries the server for info about a mod
apache2.loaded_modules -        Lists all the loaded modules
apache2.runtime_dir_relative -  Returns a path relative to runtime dir
apache2.server_info -           Returns information about the executable
apache2.set_document_root -     Sets the document root for a request
apache2.add_version_component - Adds a version component
apache2.os_escape_path -        Escapes a path as a URL
apache2.strcmp_match -          Does a strcmp_match (the foo* kind)
apache2.set_keepalive -         Set the keepalive status for a request
apache2.make_etag -             Creates an entity tag
apache2.send_interim_response - Sends an interim response (or does it?)
apache2.custom_response -       Sets a custom response for an error msg
apache2.exists_config_define -  Query whether a define was made
apache2.state_query -           Queries the server for state info
apache2.stat -                  Stats a file and returns info as a table
apache2.regex -                 Evaluates regular expressions
apache2.sleep -                 Sleeps for N seconds (accepts floats)
apache2.get_server_name_for_url Servername for URL purposes

Full descriptions and examples are still available at
http://people.apache.org/~humbedooh/lua_ap/ if you need more info.

If anyone has any other requests for internal functions they'd like to
use in mod_lua, just speak up, I'm always happy to include more

With regards,

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