On 22 Aug 2012, at 10:25 AM, Nick Kew wrote:

>> From reading the module's documentation, it seems, a single vhost can only 
>> use one DB-server (and only with one set of credentials): only a single 
>> DBDriver and DBDParams is possible, for example.
> That is by design: it is expected to meet most needs.
> If you wants more generality, go ahead and hack it.

This is one of the things I'd like see minimised in the server implementation, 
the inclusion of arbitrary restrictions that later have to be lifted. I went 
through the proxy and cache implementations for httpd v2.4 and removed all the 
per-virtual-host restrictions from all directives that didn't require it, as 
too often I was approached saying "we can't use the cache because feature X can 
only be set server wide and that breaks site Y". Ideally directives should be 
per-directory or per-location, unless there is a concrete reason otherwise.

My rusty memory tells me that someone submitted a patch to fix this a while ago?


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