I was taking a look at a server that had a handful of zombies and came
to see they are caused by rotatelogs. It seems pretty straight forward
why - I am calling gzip post-rotate to compress the log file and child
cleanup only happens during the post_rotate function, but before
apr_proc_create for this rotation. So, effectively, you will have a
zombie process from time_child_dies to next_rotation.

I would like to get rid of those zombie processes sooner but am wary to
call apr_proc_wait_all_procs very often... I don't know what the expense
of doing that would be.

So... I'm seeking advice for the best option here:
*Call apr_proc_wait_all_procs in the main loop (expensive?)
*Spawn a thread on the side to reap the child a la blocking mode
*Check an interval in the main loop to call apr_proc_wait_all_procs once
per X time
*or... your idea


ApacheCon was a blast - can't wait until next one!

Daniel Ruggeri

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