On 06/03/2015 03:43 PM, Stefan Eissing wrote:
Hmm, personally, I do not like redundant configurations. If someone configures 
a module, like mod_h2, to be enabled (H2Engine on), she could expect the module 
to take all the necessary steps. So I am no fan of a „SSLAlpnEnable“.

If a client sends ALPN information in its hello, it certainly can expect an 
answer from the server. Since in absence of any other modules, the httpd will 
do „http/1.1“, I think that is a reasonable response.

For clients that do not sent ALPN, any possible answer from the server will not 
be relevant for them. And I would be surprised if a client gets confused by 
that. If it uses openssl, it will probably not have registered own callbacks 
and thus never see the server answer.

I'm not sure if that's the same case, but Red Hat actually has open bug report for the old 2.4.x NPN code (right now reverted in 2.4.x) about NPN extensions being sent even they have not been configured.

I think last time I've checked, the httpd trunk ALPN code did something similar (returned http/1.1 when no other modules have been configured).

The reasoning in that Red Hat bug report is that there should be a way how to stop this behavior because of compliance with some security standards.

I just want to point out that there might be some users who care about this.

Jan Kaluza

As to the "check for sc->server->ssl_alpn_pref->nelts“ that is very much 
depending on the order of hooks. In the case of mod_h2, registering for alpn happens in pre 
connection hooks and those run *after* mod_ssl pre_connection hook, I am pretty sure.


Am 03.06.2015 um 14:52 schrieb Yann Ylavic <ylavic....@gmail.com>:

I wonder if registering the ssl_callback_alpn_select callback
inconditionally could break some clients.
Are those (ALPN ready) always negociate "http/1.1"?

Otherwise we could check for sc->server->ssl_alpn_pref->nelts > 0 (or
a dedicated SSLAlpnEnable) beforing using
In that case mod_h2 would not work out of the box, needing some
administration on the httpd side.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Stefan Eissing
<stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> wrote:
I tested the lined patch on a 2.4.x checkout with mod_h2 on OS X 10.10 and 
openssl 1.0.2. All my tests ran fine.


Am 02.06.2015 um 16:56 schrieb Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com>:

Can you test the latest rev of the backport candidate?


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:06 AM Stefan Eissing <stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> 

Am 25.04.2015 um 11:47 schrieb Kaspar Brand <httpd-dev.2...@velox.ch>:

On 22.04.2015 18:54, Jim Jagielski wrote:
For me the time seems right to rip NPN out of trunk and only backport
the ALPN code to 2.4.

I'd be +1 for that.

So, to get one step further, and since there were no explicit objections
to removing NPN support so far (or arguments for keeping it, FWIW), I
went ahead and took a stab at this with r1676004.

Only tested in terms of "compiles both w/ and w/o HAVE_TLS_ALPN", so it
certainly needs more eyes before a backport proposal could be made.
There's also a "TODO: we should have a mod_ssl configuration parameter"
in ssl_engine_kernel.c which I'm unsure to what it refers.

The „TODO“ is a leftover from before SSLAlpnPreference was introduced. It can 
be removed.

I diff’ed the current mod_ssl against the 2.4 branch, removed everything but he 
ALPN changes and made a patch for my sandbox. This works on my OS X with 
mod_h2. My Ubuntu sandbox is still resisting as some test clients still link 
the system ssl which only speaks NPN (or link against a lib_event that links 
against the system openssl). It’s a mess.



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