On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:38 PM, Stefan Eissing
<stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> wrote:
>> Can't tell about the other uses of ast_not_included() though...
> Often, mod_http2 needs to transfer a max amount of data. Sometimes
> it "moves" buckets from one brigade to another. Sometimes, it just
> needs to detect how much data *can* be moved.
> last_not_included is used to determine the bucket in a brigade that
> will not be moved with the length limit given.
> Since the brigade is already being inspected, it is useful to find
> out if a read would already encounter an EOS. This prevents the transfer
> from being invoked again. Since these transfer often require mutex locks, less
> is better.
> For the length limit, just data bucket lengths are counted. Meta buckets
> count as zero length. So, with a brigade
> (1)data[1024] -> (2)data[730] -> (3)EOS -> SENTINEL
> last_not_included(100) would be bucket 2.
> last_not_included(1024) would be bucket 2.
> last_not_included(1025) would be bucket 3.
> last_not_included(2048) would be bucket SENTINEL.

OK, the change I proposed was only for simplification, your patch
already handles that anyway.
So we can change that later if necessary, the code looks good to me now.

Thanks Stefan.

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