Use libapreq2

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> On Nov 13, 2016, at 5:08 PM, Mark Blackman <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Not sure if this is the right mailing list for this question, and feel free 
> to redirect me if so, however, if I want to write a module to examine an HTTP 
> POST body and execute some action with the contents of the body, but only if 
> the body matches some condition, should that be done with an input filter, 
> taking a copy of the body and then end of the request, doing the matching 
> and/or execution of the action? Or is there some way to plant a hook that 
> gets executed after all the input filters have run and I just have the  whole 
> request body sitting there ready for examination?
> Currently, I believe an input filter is required to copy the request as it 
> comes in, but it might be cleaner to just execute some code after the body 
> has been received if practical.
> Cheers,
> Mark

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