So today's primary bogus result is courtesy of is due to leaving
public headers hiding in modules/class/*.h paths for our builds.

I'd suggest one of two approaches, pick a favorite solution?

 [  ] Have the top level build copy all modules/*/mod_*.h
      definitions to the build tree include/ path (conditionally,
      based on datestamp)?

 [  ] Make individual modules/*/Makefile[*] responsible for
      moving their headers into the build tree include/ path
      (conditionally, based on datestamp)?

Advantage to option 2 is that we could add magic to exclude
those headers for modules not built.

Advantage to both options is that we eliminate all of the
module-specific cross-module-class inclusions.

Overall logic change should be close to nill, since the
'make install' path no longer needs to be smart enough
to look throughout all of the modules/*/mod_*.h files for
the target installation. What doesn't end up in include/
wasn't needed for the target install tree anyways.

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