I think one of our disconnects with 2.4 -> 2.6 is that in any other
framework, there would be no ABI breakage in 2.6. That breakage
would be deferred to and shipped as 3.0.

The httpd project choose to call 2.minor releases as breaking
changes. Due to poor design choices, or frequent refactorings,
this essentially shifted our release numbering schema down one
digit. So 2.6.0 is not an enhancement release, but a major release
in the general understanding of these things. This might be the root
of Jim's and my failure to come to any consensus.

Right now, there are a number of gratuitous breaking changes on trunk
that change binary ABI. I'm considering a trunk fork to preserve these
changes (branches/3.x-future/?) and reverting every change to trunk/
which was otherwise a no-op. Namespace, decoration, anything that
prevents a user from loading a 2.4.x module in 2.next. And then we
can look at what is a valid reason to take us to 3.0.

There might be some minor breakage that requires a recompilation,
such as a user module allocating a req_rec. That is solved by setting
a showstopper to the 2.next release to introduce _create() accessors
to every structure belonging to the httpd API.  There would be side
determinations... would we institute such a  change with the release
of 2.5, or 2.6, or 3.0?

Once this is complete, binary breaking ABI changes would live in
their own feature development forks. They would never be folded
into trunk until there was a group consensus to push forward to
version next.0.0 in the immediate future. trunk/ would cease to be
a sandbox of ideas unready for release.

It's likely a couple-week process that I can't start till the end of next
week. But I think the frustration about not being able to ship new
features has a lot to do with our history of breaking API's every time
we ticked up the version minor number.

It might be that we won't end up shipping 2.6 because other good
and necessary binary-breaking-changes occur between now and
in the near future, or that these exist on trunk. But if we defer the
gruntwork of renaming things and whitespace mop-up etc until
a short several-week period prior to the actual major.0.0 release,
then we can keep trunk/ in a much more releasable state for all
the new features.

We may have the impetus for a 3.0 release in the near future, we
may not, but I'm sure the idea that 2.5 is a 'major' ABI-breaking
release is not serving us well.

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