(note to security@ folks -- this is a public dev@ thread!)

Hi All.  Over the years we have tried different approaches to handling
CVEs, varying based on who did the work, their understanding of the
unwritten procedures, and the severity of the bug.  We haven't ever
come to a solid consensus on some of the finer points.

Meanwhile, there is pretty explicit foundation level guidance on this:

I would personally like for us to adopt the foundations process here,
but some of the items are a departure, including having releases where
CHANGES in the release itself reflects the fix but not the CVE#:

Here is the change that probably has the biggest impact to the community:

The project team commits the fix. No reference should be made to the
commit being related to a security vulnerability.

The project team creates a release that includes the fix.

The project team announces the release. The release announcement
should be sent to the usual mailing lists (typically the project's
user list, dev list, announce list and the Apache announce list).

The project team announces the vulnerability. The vulnerability
announcement should be sent after the release announcement to the
following destinations:

To me, this is just a way to get us out of ambiguity/stalemate about
the overall process and follow security@a.o's best practices.

Eric Covener

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