Hi Steffen,

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 12:50 PM, Steffen <i...@apachelounge.com> wrote:
> When I recall Stefan stated that 2.4.x-mod_md was the branch to test/run
> mod_md against.

Clearly, this is the mod_mod that will be released as of 2.4.next, so
the one to test.

> Not anymore, now on git..
> .. do not build against 2.4.x-mod_md please. Use only 2.4.x. ......

Why use git(hub) versions as for httpd releases?
The 2.4.x-mod_md branch should be self contained, and either work as
expected thus promoted to 2.4.x with enough votes, or has issues thus
be reworked/fixed as many times as needed until working as expected.

I don't know the exact status of mod_md on git(hub), but I expect the
changes committed to trunk but mostly backported to 2.4.x-mod_md
(hence to be finally merged to 2.4.x) to be the stable ones, and I
think it is.
Whenever an mod_{h2,md} version is stable (per testing by the github
community), Stefan brings them to httpd's svn.

He may provide github versions in between httpd releases to keep the
mod_h2 community up to date (since his release cycle is faster than
httpd's), but whenever httpd is to be released it usually embeds the
latest (read most stable) mod_http2 at that time.
Same for mod_hd I guess, although it is not released in httpd yet.

> To test we need to use mod_md from 2.4.x-mod_md branch and mod_ssl from the
> 2.4.x branch ?

The first version of mod_md lives in 2.4.x-mod_md and we should
test/vote this one branch only (regarding mod_md), so please report
any issue on it with no other change from another branch or git.

We can keep this branch in sync with the final 2.4.x, like I did this
weed-end, if we want for example the needed mod_ssl changes committed
there (because they are not really mod_md specific) to be also in
2.4.x-mod_md, so that precisely no "external" change is needed to test
mod_md on that branch.

> Complicated all the versions and usability not same at some point.

They shouldn't be, and AFAICT, they are not, 2.4.x-mod_md is the
branch to test as is.

> Also to have stuff mod_md  in SVN and GIT makes it not that easy. I
> suspended my testing mod-md/ssl

I think you shouldn't bother about other branches/repositories when
testing httpd releases, it's usually 2.4.x only.
mod_md is a special case because this is the first release, so per
definition it's not in 2.4.x yet, hence Stefan created a special
2.4.x-"fake" branch (with a better named ;) which we can test as if it
were the real 2.4.x.
Let's do that for the special mod_md case of today.


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