On 11/06/2020 07:51, jean-frederic clere wrote:
> On 10/06/2020 11:53, Ruediger Pluem wrote:
>> On 6/9/20 12:05 PM, jean-frederic clere wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Basically it adds servletnormalizecheck to mod_proxy for
>>> ProxyPass/ProxyPassMatch and mod_rewrite when using P
>>> I have tested the following uses:
>>> #ProxyPass  /docs ajp://localhost:8009/docs secret=%A1b2!@
>>> servletnormalizecheck
>>> #ProxyPassMatch  "^/docs(.*)$" "ajp://localhost:8009/docs$1"
>>> secret=%A1b2!@ servletnormalizecheck
>>> #RewriteEngine On
>>> #RewriteRule "^/docs(.*)$" "ajp://localhost:8009/docs$1" [P,SNC]
>>> #<Proxy "ajp://localhost:8009/docs">
>>> #ProxySet connectiontimeout=5 timeout=30 secret=%A1b2!@
>>> #</Proxy>
>>> #<Location "/docs">
>>> #  ProxyPass  ajp://localhost:8009/docs secret=%A1b2!@
>>> servletnormalizecheck
>>> #</Location>
>>> What is not supported is
>>> curl -v --path-as-is
>>> "http://localhost:8000/docs/..;foo=bar/;foo=bar/test/index.jsp";
>>> that could be remapped to
>>> ProxyPass  /test ajp://localhost:8009/test secret=%A1b2!@
>>> servletnormalizecheck
>>> or a <location test/>
>>> Comments?
>> I understood from Mark that the request you do above with curl should
>> not be denied but just mapped to /test.
>> But rethinking that, it becomes real fun: For mapping we should use
>> the URI stripped off path parameters and then having done the
>> shrinking operation (servlet normalized) but we should use the
>> original URI having done the shrinking operation with path
>> parameters to sent to the backend. That might work for a simple prefix
>> matching, but it seems to be very difficult for regular
>> expression scenarios where you might use complex captures from the
>> matching to build the result. But if the matching was done
>> against the servlet normalized URI the captures might be different,
>> than the ones you would have got when doing the same against
>> not normalized URI. So I am little bit lost here.

I can see how this gets complicated for regular expression scenarios.

Since the servlet specification doesn't have the concept of regular
expression mapping, I don't think the rationale for servletnormalize
applies in that case. There is no expectation of how the mapping will
occur from a servlet perspective so the httpd behaviour cannot be

Coming from a servlet perspective I have no view on what the 'correct'
behaviour is in this case. I'll happily support whatever the httpd
community thinks is best.

>> What if we just have an option on virtual host base to drop path
>> parameters of the following kind
>> s#/([.]{0,2})(;[^/]*)/#/$1/g
>> do the usual shrinking operation afterwards and just process them
>> afterwards as usual.
> I think it makes sense to have it there but separated from the
> servletnormalizecheck because that changes the whole <VirtualHost/> mapping
> So I will add something like MergeSlashes which will map
> http://localhost:8000/docs/..;foo=bar/;foo=bar/test/index.jsp
> to /test
> And arrange the proxy so that /docs/..;foo=bar/;foo=bar/test/index.jsp
> is sent to the back-end.

That sounds good to me. That is the expected mapping from a servlet

Thanks for all your efforts on this.


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