Then I close the vote and start pushing the release.

Thanks for everyone to participate here on such a short notice!

Kind Regards,

> Am 07.10.2021 um 17:06 schrieb Joe Orton <>:
> ASF release policy [1] suggests that we have a >=72 hour voting period 
> for releases, but this is a "SHOULD" not a hard rule.  Due to:
> a) the severity of the issue being fixed, and 
> b) the extensive review and testing which the patch has received both 
> here and off-list, and 
> c) the fact we already have sufficient binding votes on the release, 
> with no negative feedback either from PMC members or the community
> my recommendation as PMC Chair is that we close the vote now and ship 
> the update.  Normal 72+ hour release votes must be resumed after this.
> Regards, Joe
> [1]

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