On 20 Nov 2023, at 10:44, Yann Ylavic <ylavic....@gmail.com> wrote:

>> URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1913962&view=rev
>> Log:
>> Apply earlier fix to the ldapsearch case:
>> Arrange for backend LDAP connections to be returned
>> to the pool by a fixup hook rather than staying locked
>> until the end of (a potentially slow) request.
> It seems that this commit aligns the checks/setup of ldapsearch with
> the ones of ldapfilter, but nothing about LDAP connections
> recycling/reuse?

That’s correct - the recycling/reuse code is being backported separately, it 
all depends on this code.

The end goal is for all trunk changes to be applied to v2.4 and each is aligned.

> In ldapfilter_check_authorization() we bail out early if r->user is
> NULL but not here in ldapsearch_check_authorization(), can't it
> happen?

In ldapsearch we don’t care about the user, it’s purely whether the filter 
expression being applied in the search returns exactly one result.

In ldapfilter we amend the filter to add the user, which is what we don’t want 
in ldapsearch.


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