Hi Robert,

Actually one thing that I find really interesting about Alfresco - in
case anyone wants to implement it as an add-on to Jackrabbit - is the
CIFS layer which supposedly allows good access to the server (as a
document server) from Windows clients.  I would imagine that using
the jCIFS library it would
be possible to write something similar for a more generic JSR-170
I think this would be a good idea too, as a matter of fact we already
looked into the feasibility of something like that and it seems to work
just fine. Some random access performance drawbacks if we want
to keep it strictly bound to the JCR API.

jCIFS though is a CIFS client, right? At least I have not found a CIFS
server other than Starlasoft's / Alfresco's?
Am I looking in the wrong place?

Having tried mapping a WeDAV
location as a network drive I can say that it really doesn't work in a
usable fashion.
Really? So far I experienced a generally suboptimal perfomance
but it works just as well as CIFS for me, both on MacOSX and Windows.
What issues did you encounter?


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