Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 10:42 PM, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
...I don't see anything wrong with job offers as long as they are related
to JCR and Jackrabbit and not too frequent.
Especially when the company behind the offer participates in the community...

I was going to say that "in the good old Cocoon days", we used to
allow occasional job postings with similar criteria than you suggest,
*and* with a [JOB] marker in the subject line, *and* requiring
off-list replies to keep the noise low.

makes sense to me

I would suggest the following addendum to

Guidelines for job and contract posting

If you are looking for developers to hire please make sure to respect the following guidelines:

- The posting needs to be related to Jackrabbit/JCR
- Ask for off-list replies (in order to keep the noise down)
- Use a [JOB] marker within the subject line




-Bertrand (from the peanuts gallery - I'm not a committer here)

Michael Wechner
Wyona      -   Open Source Content Management - Yanel, Yulup
+41 44 272 91 61

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