Hi all,
find my comments below.

> By the time, I created this pom.xml, 1.5 was not officially released
> yet, and I copied a pom.xml from some other sandbox project. We could
> very well depend on the latest development version or on the released
> version, whatever seems more appropriate, or even drop the parent
> reference as well.

In the spirit of implementing a JCR compliant CMIS, if we don't have
any technical reason of having Jackrabbit as a parent project, I'd opt
for dropping the parent reference untill we'll need it.

>> __Core technologies (Axis or CXF)
>> Which WS framework would you suggest? At the moment I have a better feeling
>> for CXF with respect to Axis(2), maybe for the lower footprint it seems to
>> have, but I never had hands on expertise with both frameworks. Any
>> suggestion/direction here of course more than welcome.
> Axis is the only framework I heard of right now, but I was hoping that
> there is some better approach ;)

ATM I'm playing with CXF and it is making me confident enough; the
main reasons for which I've chosen it for these test are:
_ they say CXF has better support for JAX-WS
_ it has a simpler approach to make things start

>> __'jcr-cmis' component in Jira
>> As I mentioned before, does it make sense to have a specific component for
>> this bit of the sandbox or just use the 'sandbox' component?
> I'd prefer having a specific component.

+1 for a specific component for me, as well

>> __Dynamically generate services interfaces and commit wsdl files?
>> As a starting point, we were thinking of generating the Java interfaces from
>> committed WSDL files with cxf as described here [3].
>> Also committing the WSDL, we could automatically regenerate the interfaces
>> upon specs changes using the maven plugin [4].
>> Do you have any objections/suggestions for this approach?
> Sounds good to me. I started creating a couple of interfaces from the
> spec, but if we can have them generated through WSDL and use them in
> the atompub part as well, even better :)

I've generated interfaces starting from the WSDL using the CXF
wsdl2java command.
For this first phase, it would be reasonable to consider these as a
commodity we could add; I'd focus more on validating the better
technology for us.


> Kind regards
> Dominique
>> Eager to hear your comments/suggestions (if you could make it trough this
>> long email :).
>> Ciao,
>> Gab
>> [1]
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=10591&component=12310830&resolution=-1&sorter/field=priority&sorter/order=DESC
>> :
>> [2] http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository
>> [3] http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/wsdl-to-java.html
>> [4] http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/maven-integration-and-plugin.html
>> --
>> Gabriele Columbro
>> Alfresco ECM Product Strategy Consultant
>> +31 627 565 103
>> Sourcesense - Making sense of open Source (http://www.sourcesense.com)

Paolo Mottadelli: http://www.paolomottadelli.com
Sourcesense - making sense of Open Source: http://www.sourcesense.com

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