Hi Michael,

Are you suggesting, that cluster sync will be provided purely by the underlying 
NoSQL database? Until now, I always assumed that all cluster nodes expose an MK 
interface, and that changes are transmitted to other nodes via calls on this MK 
interface. So in your example, cluster node 2 would see a "delete /a/b" and the 
question of a broken tree never arises.


On Mar 1, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Michael Marth wrote:

> Hi,
> I have thought a bit about how one could go about implementing a micro kernel 
> based on a NoSQL database (think Cassandra or Mongo) where a JCR node would 
> probably be stored as an individual document and the MK implementation would 
> provide the tree on top of that. Consider that you have two or more cluster 
> nodes of such an NoSQL db (each receiving writes from a different SPI) and 
> that these two cluster nodes would be eventually consistent.
> It is easy to imagine cases where the tree structure of one node will be 
> temporarily broken (at least for specific implementations, see example 
> below). I am not particularly worried about that, but I wonder if the MK 
> interface design implicitly assumes that the MK always exposes a non-broken 
> tree to the SPI. The second question I have if we assume that a particular 
> version of the tree the MK exposes to the SPI is stable over time (or: can it 
> be the case that the SPI refreshes the current version it might see a 
> different tree. Again, example below)?
> I think we should be explicit about these assumptions or non-assumtptions 
> because either the MK implementer has to take care of them or the higher 
> levels (SPI, client) have to deal with them.
> Michael
> (*) example from above: consider node structure /a/b/c. On on cluster node 1 
> JCR node b is deleted. In order to implement that in a document db the MK on 
> cluster node 1 would need to separately delete b and c. The second cluster 
> node could receive the deletion of b first. So for some time there would be a 
> JCR node c on cluster node 2 that has no parent.

> example regarding tree version stability: suppose in the example above that 
> tree version 1 is /a/b/c and tree version 2 is /a. Because deleting b and c 
> will arrive on cluster node 2 as separate events there must either be some 
> additional communication between the cluster nodes so that cluster node 2 
> knows when tree version 2 is fully replicated. Or cluster node 2 will expose 
> a tree version 2 that first looks like /a/b and later as /a (i.e. the same 
> version number's tree will change over time)

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