
Mauro wrote:
Bringing discussion to the list:


I personally see behaviours as more along the lines of acceptance testing than 
unit testing.  So
rather than a replacement for JUnit, I would see it a replacement for Fit.

That said, some people might want to use BDD as a replacement for TDD.

I would aim to find a configurable way to support both paradigms.

So this would boil down to placing behaviours/stories either in
"src/main/java" or "src/test/java" and scoping jbehave either in
compile or test scope.

The switch could be easily supported by a simple boolean configuration
option, I guess. The plugin then would create a classloader upon
either compile scope or test scope classpath elements.

> I took the approach the surefire-plugin is based on. It doesn't import *any* 
JUnit-specific classes, but instead loads them into a completely isolated 
classloader. Of course this brings some nasty reflection mechanics as a side 
effect, though.
> The difference to your implementation is, that the patched plugin doesn't 
leave the classloading hassles to the jbehave-library. Rather it puts the 
jbehave-classes into the same classloader, that serves as the classloader for the 
behaviours to be verified. So jbehave is on the same classpath as the behaviours 
and nowhere else.
> I did some experiments with the hellbound example, put it's sources into 
different modules and tried to run the behaviours. The patch worked fine. So I was 
happy with it and thought, you'd find it handy too.

I still need to convince myself of the best approach in this regard.   I don't see 
in classloading as necessarily a significant advantage - especially if offset 
against other cons or
complications.  The current approach is quite simple and configurable - it 
takes the libs configured
in a given maven scope and builds a classloader with them.  I'll give it more 

Fine. I'll those two classloader approaches a try in different scenarios.

> But either way, I'd just like to see a maven plugin that works, since I 
appreciate your effort very much. I do hope seeing the project gaining momentum in 
the near future. To me, a maven plugin is a must though, before I can spread the 

Sure - and I appreciate your help greatly.  I've been snowed under of late, but 
I'm aiming to get
some work done (have some other patches to apply) and get out a 1.1 release 

Since we're talking about Maven2 support, may I also suggest to update
jbehave's parent- and core-poms? The dependencies should be mentioned
properly. This would help developers great deals.


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