On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 08:59:22PM +0900, Andrew Gaul wrote:
> I would like to remove the Google AppEngine driver:
> https://github.com/apache/jclouds/pull/114
> The motivation is to resolve a duplicate dependency caused when
> importing JAXB to address compatibility with Java 9 and newer:
> https://github.com/apache/jclouds/pull/111
> I believe that fixing GAE would not require a deep fix but I doubt
> anyone is using it given its lack of development, old dependency, and
> reports of Guava problems in JCLOUDS-836.  If no one else volunteers to
> fix this I suggest that we remove it.

This is now removed.  I also merged a bunch of PRs to get jclouds
development working out of box with modern Java, culminating in:


This allows Java 8 and 11 to successfully compile and test in my
environment.  Hopefully this removes a roadblock for contributors.

Andrew Gaul

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