Only for clarification, the honour goes to Gregor. GSI-check is his baby, but we have to wait a little for his come-back ;-)


sophie schrieb:
Hi all,
Frank Peters wrote:
Gregor Hartmann schrieb:

there was a discussion about this on this list last summer. There were
some proposals discussed but noone said how it should be done.
back then my reply was
What is the reason that gsicheck checks the link targets anyway?

I would suggest that internal links are checked to be equal, e.g.
   <link href="text/sdraw/main0101.xhp" name="File">
while external links are just checked to be technically valid, e.g.
   <link href="";>
and leave the rest tzo the localizers.

A valid external link would match something like
This is how it should be done.

Discussing this with Frank Mau, this is a GSI-check issue. So GSI-check
will be adapted to accept localized links for 3.2.
Thank you all for your feedback.

Kind regards

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