
Can/Could this beta extension from Sun be localized and built via the normal
build system (with regular ooo builds and the basic Sun/OOo extensions, like
Presentation Minimizer etc.):
If it can/could be localized, will the strings be included in the sdf file
on the road to 3.3? That would be great, right?

Also, could there be a way to localize the Professional Template Packs I &
II from Sun via the main OOo sdf file?
These templates are only available in some languages, only provided by Sun.
If there is no plans to include them in sdf or promote their localization in
all OOo languages, are localization teams allowed to localize them by hand
and then release them to the public on their own?

Also, is there a site from which one could download a built package we all
had a lot of work translating in the last cycle - the Migration Wizard
(included with latest translations for 3.2)? I would just like to test what
I translated/localized, if you don't mind.

Lp, m.

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